Hana's realization

Nabi, on reaching Hana's room closed the door with a bang.

"Why didn't you shake your hand with Olivia?"

"I have", Hana insisted.

"I haven't seen", Nabi reciprocated.

As she was about to start her analysis on the handshake and Beau's scream, she was interrupted by Hana, who asked how Ian was.

"I don't think he can come to college tomorrow. His legs appeared weak."

"Isn't he an athletic person?" she asked curiously.

"No, who said he is?"

"His body seems like he is a sportsperson."

"He was", Nabi corrected. "He used to play basketball, but due to a minor hand injury, he stopped but was unable to gain interest again in that sport. He hits the gym regularly to maintain his physique."

Hana felt happy knowing about Ian, even though it was a little information. "Ping me his number", Hana asked.

"Ok!" Nabi replied absentmindedly.

[Why didn't Hana notice?

Why was Beau screaming on top of his voice for Olivia?

Why did they come from the forest?

He appeared fine but seemed tired as if tortured. What are they?]

Nabi slept after thinking about various unanswered questions.

Hana, on the other hand, messaged Ian.

Hana: This is Hana. Sorry about yesterday.

Ian(boosting himself): Hi, Not a problem. Usually, I can jog for ten kilometres, but I was out of practice recently.

Hana: Okey, but sorry once again.

Ian: What is Nabi doing?

Hana: Sleeping.

Ian: Is she tired because of me?

Hana: She seemed not interested in Vampires today. She thought about something for a while and slept.

Ian: That doesn't seem like her. Is she worried about anything?

Hana: Yes! But I think you should ask her.

Ian: Done! I will meet her during dinner.

Hana: But are you fine?

Ian: I am fine. I will sleep for some time. Bye.

Hana: Bye.

Though it was her first time chatting with a guy, she understood that Ian was interested in Nabi. All her dreams of having Ian as her boyfriend shattered. Realizing that Ian didn't put his hand on her out of love, She was frustrated and discouraged, learning that she felt friendliness as love. She pitied herself for not being sociable to find and know the difference.

She opened her Facebook and accepted all the 96 friend requests that she didn't because they were boys. It took almost 15 minutes for her for accepting every request one by one.

As she put her phone down, Nabi's phone rang a notification sound. Thinking that it would disturb Nabi's sleep, she took the phone to keep it in silent mode but was surprised to see a message from Ian asking her to come to the cafe at 7.

Hana felt sad looking at the message from Ian, who said that he wanted to sleep a few minutes back. As tears rolled her cheeks, she thought that she shouldn't have planned to find a boyfriend as her mom suggested.

"Books are the best companion", she declared and took out a Biography book.

Her eyes which were heavy from crying put her to sleep after reading two pages.


Both woke up as Hana's phone started ringing.

"Hello", she said in a sleepy voice without looking at the caller's name.

"Are you sleeping?" a man asked.


"What is Nabi doing? Pass the phone to her," the man said.

Hana keeping the phone over Nabi's ear, said that a guy wanted to talk to her and slept again.

"Nabi! Nabi!" the guy shouted.

"Ian," Nabi uttered.

Hana abruptly woke up hearing Ian's name and listened as Nabi spoke.

"Why aren't you lifting your phone?" Ian asked.

"It is in silence. Sorry, I didn't see it. Did anything happen?" Nabi asked in a worried tone, looking at the ten missed calls from Ian.

"I am waiting for you at the canteen. Come fast. I am a little tired."

"Ok," she jumped from the bed.

"Hana, wake up. Ian has been waiting for us in the cafe."

"Not us, YOU", she said to herself, waking from the bed.

Both completed washing their face and setting their hair in five minutes and rushed towards the cafe.

As they reached the cafeteria, Ian was sleeping in his palm, while resting his arm on the table.

Nabi ran towards Ian and placed her palm to his forehead to check his temperature. Ian woke up and asked Nabi if she was ok.

Nabi commented that it was her question, not his.

Hana walked lethargically towards the table, thinking to herself, "Will I be a third person between them?"

"I felt that you were behaving weirdly from Hana's words," Ian replied.

Nabi looked at Hana and scoffed, "Why would she tell that to a sick person?"

Hearing this, Hana really felt like a third person.

Fearing that she could burst out in tears, she left saying that she would bring food for them.

Beau and Olivia sat in a corner, hearing over their conversation.

"It's a love triangle", Olivia said blissfully and turned towards Beau, who wasn't replying.

Olivia laughed as Beau turned a steel glass into a steel ball, looking enraged at Ian.

"Beau, did you observe that Ian has a soft corner towards Hana"


"Should we use that to bring Hana and Ian close," Olivia suggested.

Beau shook, denying. "We should first confirm if I am jealous because of attraction or fate."

"What will you do if you love her but not fated?" Olivia asked innocently.

"That love will last until the determined link meets us," he said in confidence.

Hana came back to the table with two plates and placed them in front of them. As she was about to leave to fetch her plate, Nabi stopped her and walked outside holding Hana's hand.

"Sorry", she said as they came outside.

"I didn't tell him and never wanted him to worry," Hana said, weeping.

"I know. Ian showed me the chat. I was angry at you not because he was worried."

Hana looked in confusion as she wept her eyes.

"...but because I never intended to tell him about Beau."

"Does she want to play with both of yours?" Beau remarked, annoyed by her statement.

"Should I be listening to your voice every day because of her," she sent a mind link.

Beau kept listening to Nabi, not bothered by Olivia's complaint.

"So, you didn't want him to be jealous of Beau", Hana questioned.

"Jealous? Where did that come from?"

"Don't you like Ian?"

"No! We were friends from childhood, so I am just habituated to having him beside me. More or less like siblings. But I know that he doesn't feel that way towards me."

Both Hana and Beau felt happy that Nabi doesn't love Ian.

Watching a smile on Beau's face, Oli felt that he would be upset if Nabi wasn't his link and decided to do the last test as soon as possible.

"Why don't you tell him that so he can move on," Hana suggested.

Nabi could see Hana improved in socializing and also felt that she was interested in Ian.

"Okay, I will. Firstly tell me, do you like him?"