Chapter 29

My father pushes me to marry Arthur, the King of werewolf world. I am already twenty-five and haven't found my mate. We are in the line of Beta but since my dad doesn't have a son, and the Beta title will be out of our bloodline, he and the King arrange my marriage. They arranged me and Arthur to become mates. 

I want to disagree but my father does everything just to push me in that wedding.

I was having my visit to the nearest pack to send the invitation card of our wedding.

As soon as I step my foot on the ground, I smelled this wonderful scent. River scent with a combination of fresh orchids. My favorite.

A man steps out in the pack house and look surprised in my appearance. We look each other. A lot of words want to come out but unsaid. He knows who I am and he knows why I came to see his pack.

"The future Queen has arrived." A man standing his side said.