Chapter 16: Decorating the Restaurant

After two weeks, the session of Feng Zhengying and Zexel was not complete. The only things that Feng Zhengying needs to do was to continue to practice his legs to walk again.

He was now completely healed by Zexel which makes everyone, including Feng Zhengying to become grateful to her.

Zexel was only monitoring the three hours’ practice of Feng Zhengying to the Parallel bars.

After their session, they eat snack together.

"So your Highness, what's your plan after you complete this therapy? The time that you can now walk anytime you want," Zexel open up the topic towards the two of them since Feng Zhengying was really quiet.

"Still need to pretend that Benwang was still crippled. If they know that Benwang can walk again, everyone will scheme towards this Prince," Feng Zhengying coldly said.