Chapter 57: Training The Healers

"Now the class is finish, how can you make the Healers an offensive type?" Dong Mai San ask. He had a twin which is the male beside him. He was too protective to his Classmates. Aside from it, he was the oldest followed by his twin brother. And his sister brother is the youngest too. So he took the Big Brother Role in the healers group.

"I bet you know how to counter poisons right?" All of them nodded. It was one of things they need to know the component of each poison and how it was made to counter it.

"How about this?" An acupuncture needle appears to Zexel's Hand.

"Obviously it is an acupuncture needle," Shen Xiao Fu said. The bookworm of their group. Aside from that, she was the smartest among them. She had a big sister named Shen Min Jin.

"So if you know poison, and this Acupuncture Needle, you also know this poison?" Again, it appears to Zexel's hand.