Taking the same path they took to sneak in the boys think it'll be just as easy to sneak out, but are proved wrong when another security guard turns down the hall they're in. Yanking Baz into a corner, Damien covers his mouth with his hand and stands against him. Baz is unsure of which is freaking him out more, the guard coming, Damien's front pressed up against him, or the hand covering his mouth. They stay like that for about a minute until the guard is completely gone.
Not saying another word to each other the boys finally leave the school and run to Damien's car, the awkward interaction between the two left them speechless. Damien had no choice but to do it he's not sure how to clarify that to Baz. When Damien gets to Baz's house they walk to the gate "how much do I owe you?"
Damien smiles taking out his wallet "giving me a discount?" Baz doesn't answer so Damien hands him the money