Porter pt. 1
Garret is ready for his life to change, he is 18 a senior and a loveable nerd. But Garret Philbin wasn't happy with the life he has lived so far, he's never been kissed by a boy, and doesn't know what it's like to be liked by someone. So far all he knows for sure is that he feels things for Porter Jackson, and that definitely makes him gay.
Walking out of his room Garret heads downstairs joining the rest of his family, "good m-" his mother stops when she turns to look at him.
Looking at his mom and the unnecessary surprised look on her face, Garret replies "hey" taking the plate of food he assumes is his. "Hey dad" he walks past his father going to the table sitting in front of his little sister Harper.
His dad walks to his mom and says "Elaine the boy's smiling?" Dad whispers "I know" Elaine turns to her husband "what?" She asks him confused
"What's up with you?" Harper asks looking at the smile on her usually miserable older brother's face.