"Good morning welcome to Glazed Buns how can I help you?" I'm greeted by someone who isn't Chase when I walk into the bakery Friday morning
"Morning is Chase around?"
"Yes he's in the back getting an order ready, did you need something?" "Yes I'm here to pick the order up"
She replies "ok I'll get him" which made me think she'd go back there to get him but I was wrong "HEY CHASE THERE'S A SUIT HERE TO PICK UP AN ORDER!" She calls out gaze never leaving mine "he'll be right out" she smiles after yelling.
He walks out from the back holding a box "hi" he smiles at me "Hi" I reply
"Hey mind keeping an eye on those cupcakes in the oven? They'll be ready soon" "Sure" she walks away.
"That's my cousin Trina sorry about her, her indoor voice doesn't really work indoors. I've got your cake here all ready to go" he opens the box for me to see "what do you think? I tried to add little tech stuff on there" he points to the computers and cellphones "since that's where you work"