Chapter 129

Nathan pt. 2

"How are we supposed to become best friends in one night?" I ask repeating his stupid idea "That's the point, Riley! We night cap and tell each other everything, I promise it'll bring us close" "Yeah my first thought was right, this is weird" I walk out of the kitchen "I'm gonna walk home."

"It's already midnight you're going to get yourself killed, I have a big house with everything we possibly could ever need" that doesn't impress me "plus an indoor pool"

"Indoor pool you say?" He smiles nodding "fine" what? I like pools and I've never been invited to one of his parties before. Standing in front of each other Nathan doesn't say anything "well where do we start?"

"Right! How about midnight snacks and more drinks I'm starving"

"Okay" he walks back to the kitchen. "Where are your parents?" I ask as he pours drinks from his parent's fully stacked bar