Chapter 134


"I think we should have sex" my roommate walks into our dorm as I'm on my bed doing homework. Dropping my pencil I take off my glasses and look over at him, the words came out of his mouth before he even shut the door. Finally shutting the door he stands in front of it "I can explain"

Turning my full attention to him I reply "please do"

"2 weeks ago I was napping" he puts air quotes around napping "and you were running late for class so after your shower you had to come back here and change, you figured you could since I was asleep and probably wouldn't see anything. I wasn't sleeping, I saw everything


"Hold that thought!" I stop him. Picking up my phone I text my friend Kati I WAS RIGHT! I KNEW HE WASN'T SLEEPING THAT DAY HE TOTALLY WATCHED ME CHANGE! And look back up at him
