Chapter 145

Rylan pt. 2

"What's happening right now?" Lyndsey walks into our apartment to find me dusty the furniture "I'm cleaning!" I reply

"I can see that" she drops her bag at the door and walks over to me "are you broken?"

Laughing at her joke I stop dusting "if anything I think I'm fixed, I'm feeling better and I've had more than enough time to get over you know who" I continue cleaning

"Good for you" she smiles at me "wanna get lunch?" Looking at my watch "sure I don't have class till 3"

"Yas let's go I'm starving" she turns around and picks her purse back up "You just got home" I look at her funny

"Less talking more eating let's go" she claps at me rapidly and I throw the duster down

"I hate it when you do the clapping thing" she does it so fast and loud it makes me nervous

"It works" she laughs as we walk out the door. "Thanks for driving!" She quickly says as I open my mouth to ask her to drive