"Did you hear what happened with Kaya and Eric?" My friend Stacy asks as we walk to class "No what happened?"
"She cheated on him and they broke up"
"Shit!" you miss class for a week and everything changes "how is he?"
"He's quiet, doesn't really talk to his friends and Kaya has been skipping school a lot" "That sucks"
"Oh come on Jude this is exactly what you wanted, you're in love with Eric and we're both pretty
sure he's into you. He's just too straight to see it"
"Exactly he's too straight and plus Eric doesn't talk to me about his relationship so..."
".... and why do you think that dummy? He knows how it makes you feel so he doesn't mention it" we're about to walk into class but she stops me "look there he is at his locker go talk to him!"
"No! We're going to be late for class" it's hard to be around Eric, he literally always says the right things and I always doubt my will power because I'm afraid I'm going to lunge at him and kiss him