Chapter 182

Spencer pt. 1

"Oh, my god there he is I have to go" I grab my water bottle but Jules stops me

"Nope you're not running off again. I feel like you use that guy as an excuse to not work out with me"

"Jules I can't be seen in the same room as him, I won't focus on anything you know that"

"I wish you could grow some balls and finally talk to him. I don't even like going to the gym but I come here for you, and this is a gay gym which is not beneficial to me at all because all the hot guys here are gay as fuck but I still come with you because I care, now suck it up and go say something"

I think about it for a second "Maybe next time" and I bail.

Before I get further into this story you should get to know me a little bit. I'm Crim and I've been in love with this guy name Spencer from the gym since the first day we met and he asked to spot me. I'll give you a little flashback on how it went