"You're welcome" I reply and he turns to walk away, fuck I can't let him leave so I say something
"you're not from around here are you?"
He turns back to me "no I'm not, just here on business" "You have business at this club?"
"God no this is not business"
"Oh ok. What's your name?" I ask him smiling and he smiles back "Sean Cartwright" he puts out his left hand "What's yours?" "Arrow, Arrow Neally" I shake his hand
"What are you doing here Arrow Neally?" "Serving my country" I reply sarcastically
he laughs "funny." As we stand there my boss comes outside
"ARROW! we need you back in here lets go!" he calls out
"That's my cue" I run back in not bothering to look back at him. Back inside I continue serving the drinks but Sean was still in my head. If he's not from here then where is he from? and can he take me with him?