Chapter 23: Why Did He Get Angry

Aria thought for a long time with her head tilted but could not figure out the reason why he was angry...

In the afternoon, Aria finally saw Riley in custody at the police station.

A lump came into Aria's nose.

It was all because of her that Riley got arrested.

It was also her incompetence that made Riley imprisoned for several days.

Facing Riley, Aria felt really ashamed.

However, when Riley came out, she was still lively and jumping around. She seemed alright, perhaps not as bad as Aria imagined.

Riley came out to embrace Aria.

Aria cried, "I'm sorry, Riley, I'm useless for not getting you out earlier."

"Silly girl, what are you crying for, you see..." Riley stood in front of Aria and turned around several times, giggling, "I'm fine now. I haven't got hurt at all, and..."

Riley blinked her watery and sparkly eyes and came close to Aria's ear mischievously and said in a charming voice, "I have eaten well and my boobs have become much bigger. You can have a touch!"