Chapter 45: Didn't Dare to Resist

With that, he tore open Aria's clothes rudely and quickly took off all their clothes. Both of them were naked.

Aria was terrified but did not dare to resist, for fear that Grayson would torture her crazily if she resisted.

The extreme nervousness and fear made Aria stiffen.

A touch of affection crossed Grayson's heart and he paused for a moment, but as long as he thought of the scene that night, his eyes were once again filled with coldness and heartlessness. He straightened up and the two finally became one.

The room was filled with an intimate atmosphere as Grayson was still working hard on Aria.

Aria's eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling. There was only desperation in her eyes. Her body and her heart were both dead.

For real.

All her feelings for Grayson were dashed to pieces today and the flame that once burned for him slowly extinguished.