Chapter 53: Kick Her Out

Grayson's smile was charming and bright.

Isabel's eyes brightened.

When Zoe saw the light in Isabel's eyes, her eyes darkened, she coughed softly, and said gently, "Isabel, I will be responsible for you in the future. Now I will take you to get familiar with the workflow first. The company's busy recently. You have many opportunities to go abroad and should seize the opportunities well. Don't have a bee in your head, and do your own work."

Isaiah thanked Grayson, got up, and shook hands with Grayson, and left the company.

Watching everyone leave, Grayson's eyes became cold. He got up and walked to the next room.

Aria walked around the room anxiously.

The thought of this matter made her even angrier.

Just as she was about to go to Grayson, Grayson stood at the door.

Grayson looked cold and said coldly to Logan next to him, "If such a thing happens again, kick her out directly."

Logan replied in a low voice with his head down, "Yes."