Chapter 76 Don't touch my phone

Before Zoe finished speaking, Grayson robbed the phone.

When I opened the phone, I saw that it was a call from Aria. I saw Zoe answer it. Suddenly, my eyes were deep and my tone was a little rough.

"Who allowed you to answer my phone and who allowed you to touch my phone?"

Zoe did not expect Grayson to be so angry, but when he answered her phone, he was so angry and ashamed?

Zoe has some grievances.

"Grayson, I didn't mean it. I just saw you lying in bed, sounding behind Zoe with Grayson's cold, warm voice.

Zoe quickly wiped away the cruelty in his heart, revealing a gentle and harmless smile.

"President, I..."

I fell asleep for you and saw that you were quite tired recently, so I didn't call you up, Grayson. I am really worried about you! "

A phone call, Zoe can pull the reason to Grayson.

"Zoe, don't answer my phone cleverly in the future. You can't touch it."

Grayson's indifference and heartlessness chilled Zoe's heart.