Chapter 80 Don't send him to Africa


The head of the personnel department had just got through to the phone when the phone was hung up by inexplicable pouring.

Micheal's hand was on the phone.

A face of fawning smile.

"Eldest brother, your younger brother, I do things so cleanly and quickly. How can you let me go to Africa? I'm saying that going to Africa makes me face those black and bright coal-like women every day, and I won't be able to do it."

It is better to kill him than to go to Africa.

Grayson's eyes were cold and he looked down at the document. His voice was calm. "It's okay. You can do it. They won't care about the length."


It seems that today's eldest brother is in a very good mood.

Since I also started a joke with him.

"Eldest brother, they don't care, but I care, say again..."

Micheal leaned forward slightly, his ears close to Grayson, and his face was evil.

The voice can't say the charm of temptation, "besides, eldest brother, I this is to learn from you, you just..."