Chapter 84 You Give Me Good Performance

Aiden hung up the phone and Jayden couldn't wait to ask.

"I didn't say, but I'll be in the hospital soon. Then, you'll behave better for me."

No sooner had Aiden finished his words than a quick knock came to mind at the door.

"Dad, it's me, Aria."

The three exchanged colors and motioned Jayden to open the door.

"Come, come, who is it!"

The door crashed and was opened at once.

"Elder sister? Why are you here? Come on, come on, come on and do it!"

Jayden warmly took Aria's hand and welcomed her in.

"Elder sister, are you thirsty after taking the bus all the way? I'll pour you a glass of water."

Aria had just sat down and Jayden asked hastily before he could say a word. He also went to pour water for Aria.

Aria is somewhat puzzled. What's wrong with these people? One by one, they seem to have changed sex.

However, despite too many doubts in his heart, Aria replied politely, "Thank you."