Chapter 90 You are just a commodity.

Aria's body was instantly stiff, and the panic in her eyes showed her panic at the moment.

A pair of small hands stirred uneasily.


"Aria, you know, I am a businessman, do things pay attention to commercial interests, if it does not bring me income, why should I invest? And you are a commodity, used to exchange for the survival of the Ruan family."

Grayson stretched out his slender fingers to cover Aria's face, his mouth slightly hooked, his eyes clear and bitter, and his sexy fingers slipped across Aria's lip and heard them rubbing intentionally or unintentionally on the lip.

"Aria, you are voluntarily reduced to a commodity. You have no right to say no. You should know that you have no other choice but to please me now. Perhaps, you still want to go back to the man you read day and night?"

Grayson said, moving his finger down slowly to Aria's lower jaw.

Fingers grabbed Aria's lower jaw, and his voice was even colder than ice with high cold contempt.