Chapter 98 Are you having a good time

Micheal's graceful smile, in fact, he is not short-sighted.

It's just that every time the family members ask him to go on blind dates as soon as he goes back, Micheal is tired of more than n blind dates. As long as he sneaks out, he runs for six years. Now his parents seldom force him to go on blind dates, but sometimes when he goes back, he still laments that his sons are married and have children...

Micheal doesn't want his marriage to be married.

Look at your eldest brother, is a very good Liezi.

Grayson was not angry with Micheal's flirtation, which slightly aroused the evil spirit's lip angle.

"Second brother, you are having a good time, so come to me to make jokes?"

Second brother?

Micheal's nerves tightened, and his eldest brother still knew drip buy called him second brother with such a smile, proving that the next second... the next second is his death!

Run for your life!

"That... eldest brother, I just thought I still had some things to do. I left first?"
