Chapter 103 Did you just kiss me

Without saying a word, the car started and went out like an arrow that wanted to leave the string.

"Alas, alas, BOSS, how can I go back!"

Logan is embarrassed by a chapter of Zhang Gua's face. These days, he can't afford to offend the big BOSS.

In the car, Aria giggled for a while and was cold for a while. His small hands began to rush to the driver's seat restlessly.

"I tell you, did you kiss me just now? Ang? Say it quickly?"

"Will you say or not?"

"Don't say it, do you?"

"Really not?"

Grayson did not make any noise, but listened to Aria's whisper with dim eyes.

In the end, Grayson finally got impatient and parked his car on the remote side of the road.

"What a nuisance, this mouth..."

Grayson kissed Aria's lip again.

In a short time, the two men were breathing hot, their clothes faded away, and they met frankly. The sheets swaggered up in the car.

This is to inspire the two to the perfect point of impeccable.