Chapter 106 is only a physiological need.

Is his behavior angry or just due to physiological needs?

After all, she still has such an indecent title beside him.

In recent days, except that she is an animal at night, she seems to be much better than before for Aria. She has been given food and covered with quilts.

Aria thought Grayson was crazy or out of his mind at this time.

Since Jayden received Grayson's warning last time, I don't know why. Recently, he has suddenly restrained himself a lot. Even when he saw lily, he would reluctantly say hello with a smile.

Jayden's sudden change made Aria a little worried.

Aria sat on the balcony on the second floor, carrying coffee, with a faint face looking at the western margin that had fallen. On one side of the margin was golden vignetting, some hazy, some faint sadness.

The guy in Riley said he was going to the countryside, but it was so sweet that he didn't even have a phone call. She didn't know that she had been worried about her or how she was doing now.