Chapter 125 lsaiah, do you love her so much?

Six bottles of wine had been filled and the door was kicked open just as the seventh bottle was about to be filled.

Harper's whole body was wet with spilled red wine, his hair was messy, and his eyes were horrified and desperate.

"You let her go, Iraqis. I'm here. I'm sorry, Iraqis. I'm late." Lsaiah quickly pushed away several black-clad people who shackled Harper. As soon as the black-clad people were about to go up, they saw Grayson's eyes and slowly retreated aside to stand respectfully.

The reporters have all retired.

Suddenly there were only five people left in the room except the men in black.

"Iraqi, are you all right?"

Shay's popularity is like a hairspring. His whole body collapsed in lsaiah's arms. Lsaiah held her in his arms and felt deeply distressed.

This kind of love dearly in Riley's eyes turned into a sharp arrow rain stopped inserted into her heart.