Chapter 168 Riley, I decided to fight for myself once.

With tears in Jayden's eyes, he looked at Haohan's beautiful castle-like villa, and his eyes were full of grievances and hatred.

Grayson was so rude that he could not even have his own children.

Jayden raised his hand to erase his tears, looked at it deeply with hatred, and left proudly...

In an ordinary to inconspicuous small restaurant.

Layla went in in a long skirt and approached a slightly obese, middle-aged man with a hat and sat down opposite him.

Layla's face was flustered, and his hand holding the bag kept shaking. As soon as he sat down, Layla looked left and right, and his voice was extremely low. "How did you come out?"

The middle-aged man slowly took off his hat and a ferocious face appeared in Layla's sight.