Chapter 172 We are divorced

Aria put away all his thoughts, picked up his bag and got up. His voice was indifferent. "We are divorced. Now I am no longer your belongings. You have no right to control me!"

Grayson was dumb.

Is this really Aria where he lived for six years? The memory of her seems to be different from what she is now!

"You are all right now. Just take a rest and you will be all right."

Aria said, definitely leave... … …

At the door, Mason leaned quietly against the door.

As Aria walked past the door, he clearly heard what Mason said: "If you can't give him happiness, please don't appear in his world again."

Aria paused and stopped.

Without a word, even without looking at Mason, he raised his cold eyes and left.

Mason looked at her back and pondered: What has happened to her in recent months has changed her so much.

After Aria left, Grayson sat blankly on the sickbed for a long time...

Suddenly thought of something, suddenly got up, picked up one side of the coat will leave.