Chapter 189 Grace's Plan

When Lucas arrived at the door of the hospital, Aria had been standing at the door waiting for half an hour.

Seeing Lucas coming, Aria came up with a faint smile.

"You are here, let's go in!"

It seems that he has always been a supporting role beside her.

Lucas smiled. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"Let's go!" Aria naturally took Lucas's arm. Lucas paused and looked at Aria stupefied, with bright starlight in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Go in!"

"Ha ha ~" Lucas suddenly smiled. His smile was so beautiful that it amazed the time and provoked the passing MM to stop and watch.

"…" Aria frowned.

"Go in?" Lucas smiled. It turned out that all the boredom and displeasure in my heart were completely empty at the moment I saw Aria.

"How is it? Doctor!" Even if he is prepared, Aria will still be nervous.

Compared with Lucas's disease, it is not a common minor pain. It can be cured by taking one injection and two drugs.