Chapter one hundred and ninety-six vexatious

There are so many reporters at the gate that even if she ignores her reputation, she must consider Nguyen Thi.

"Crazy, I am crazy, clearly you are driving to kill my child. You said I was crazy, I saw you crazy, you are jealous, jealous to crazy!"

Inexplicably, he was hissed and abused. Remembering his father's coldness to himself in the hospital, Aria's anger came up.

However, even if she is angry, she will not, like her shrew scold the street.

In order to achieve the goal, even their own image is ignored.

"Jayden, don't push me. It won't do you any good to push me into a hurry."

"You listen, you give comment, what did she say? I forced her, she is threatening me and the children in my belly, I will sue her."

Fortunately, Aria has been very low-key, and few people know Miss Nguyen's reputation. Therefore, for Jayden's nonsense, everyone else is holding the attitude of playing Mistress and watching the farce with great interest.