Chapter two hundred and twenty-eight shallow smile

But after a few steps, Aria turned and folded back, put all the documents on the chair away and put them into his bag. He said to Lucas, "The patient should be at ease in recovering from his illness. All these documents will be confiscated and returned to you when he is well."

"Aria..." Lucas reached out, but unfortunately she had already gone far.

Lucas looked out of the window. The sun was just right. He sipped his lips and smiled shallowly.

"Hey, Aria, why haven't you called me recently and said, is there any secret hiding us?" As soon as Aria walked out of the hospital, Riley made a harassing phone call.

Aria gave a helpless white eye and his lip angle rose. "I said Riley, have you been living too well recently, and all your debts have been cut off? Go ahead, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing, just... just..." Riley hesitatingly, want to say don't want to say coy appearance.