Chapter two hundred and forty-two big BOSS strength

"Senior, I will take care of your company, if you believe me." Lucas stunned, then gently nodded, "Well, I promise you."

The warm sunshine set off his handsome and flawless face, delicate facial features, white, warm and elegant temperament, tender eyes like water, all of which were fixed in Aria's heart.

The corners of the mouth slowly pulled up a happy smile, "That's a deal."

However, his clear and beautiful pupils changed slightly, and even his voice was somewhat deep and mellow. "Aria."

"?" Aria was about to lift his eyes when Grayson's lips fell.

Just as their lips were about to touch, the telephone rang.


Aria's face was flushed and embarrassed... Just now, just now, if it weren't for this cell phone ring, wouldn't she really stop his kiss?

Is it true that she... is also looking forward to it?

No, no, no, no, it's impossible. Aria shook his head. It must be that the scene just now is too suitable, so he will not resist until he is lost by ghosts for a while.