Chapter two hundred and fifty-eighth flirting

Of or relating to Grayson; The face was not only black, but also became very horrible. It stinked. "Aria, you are a woman. Why are you so vulgar?"

"You only know now?" Aria looked calm. "You know, I am no longer who I used to be."

"Whether you are the former you or not, I only know one thing, you are mine."

Then start the car and continue on the road.

Aria choked back a smile. This guy, Aria, is finding out more and more that Grayson is actually very cute at night.

It's just that the image she used to give her was bad.

Now, if you often get in touch with each other, you will find him a little bit more.

After saying this sentence, for a long distance, neither of them was talking. I am thinking about things in my heart.

"This Saturday, let's go to see my parents, and next Saturday, let's get married!"

… …

Riley, walk home. In fact, she also wants to be quiet.

What is she thinking in her heart?