Chapter two hundred and sixty-two at the moment confused

Lisa has always believed that Caleb was only temporarily confused by Riley. One day, he will understand that what is always by his side is the best. But Lisa was wrong. Caleb's love for Riley was so deep that even if there was a slight gap, there seemed to be no place for her to stay. In his heart, all he pretended to be was the shadow of Riley.

Riley gave it a hard slap, Up to now, her own hands are still tingling, Slowly and powerlessly put down, Bowed his head, not to let Caleb see the grief in her eyes. "Caleb, I just want to ask you seriously..." After a few seconds of freeze-frame, Riley raised his head, tears still hanging on his face, but with a light gentleness and smile in his eyes. "If I let you give up everything now and return to my hometown to lead a plain life, would you like it?"

"I do."

No sooner had Riley finished his words than Caleb answered directly. What a warm answer, let Riley's heart feel satisfied.