Chapter two hundred and seventy-four sleeping beauty is a man

This expression is really complicated.

Why did you cry when you were smiling happily? Happiness and pain.

Lsaiah did not know why Riley cried. He looked very nervous and had no idea to eat. He put down the bowl and chopsticks and came to Riley's side. "Riley, what's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Riley shook his head.

"Riley, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Riley was silent and shook his head.

"I'm fine, just thinking of Caleb." Riley sniffed. It turned out that Caleb was already so deep into the bone marrow in her heart. It turns out that a person will fall in love with two slap-in-the-face people at the same time, both of whom are deeply in love.

This kind of feeling is very strange.

Lsaiah's face faded for a moment.

Riley thought he was talking about Caleb in front of lsaiah, and all his hearts were hurt.