Chapter two hundred and eighty-first pregnant women drowsiness is normal

"Sorry, senior, just now, I fell asleep and didn't hear anyone knocking at the door."

Lucas, dressed in a white suit and long slender legs, stood in front of Ruan's face and stared at her softly. It seems that she is already the prey in her eyes.

Looking at each other for a long time, stretching out his hand to touch and smiling lightly, "It is normal for pregnant women to sleep."

It's just...

Her eyes are clear and pure, not blurred, not bleary. At first glance, I knew that I was not taking a nap at all.

Aria secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he finally muddled through.

The two men stood crying and deadlocked, and no one gave way to anyone.


The atmosphere was quiet, weird and scared.

"Don't you invite me in?"

"Oh." Aria stepped back two steps. "Come in!"

"Everything is tidied up? When it is finished, let's go!"

… …

France, an airport.

Riley and lsaiah were waiting at the airport early in the morning.