Chapter 289 Give each other a peaceful life

Quietly put the veil into his pocket, hoarse and cold.

"The matter has been settled and will be back soon."

Clearly, it is a heart-wrenching thing, but it is so light from his mouth. Like a light floating leaf, even if the dead leaves wither, they will dance out the most gorgeous figure in the air. Even if it hurts, it can only be in the bottom of my heart, never on my face.

He is such a person, and he has been like this since he woke up. Even in front of Mason, it has become that those who have no feelings will not vent and tell. All the good things in the world have already been eroded and rotted by the years. In his heart, all the beauty is like the winter that has just passed away. The bitter cold is eroding the dying heart.

Mason was sitting in the president's office of the French branch with a traveling bag in his hand. It seemed that he had just got off the plane.