Chapter two hundred and ninety-nine can't meet

Aria is fine. He is gratified. However, Aria and Lucas hugged each other, and he couldn't wait to rush up and embed Aria into his body.


For a long time, for a long time, Grayson slowly loosened his hand and turned weakly to get on the bus. His voice was low and cold. "Drive."

Lucas hugged Aria and did not hear the noise of the car. He looked up and saw a familiar figure getting on the car in a trance and quickly disappeared into his sight.

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, the person's back, like someone.

After returning from the cemetery, Aria met his daughter and rushed to the hospital. She could not tell her father what had happened, but swallowed it alone.

Aria didn't hire a nurse. She was not at ease when others did things.

After scrubbing his father's body, Aria leaned against the sofa with a tired face, forcing his eyes and taking a nap.