Chapter 302 Is the family really reunited?

The sinus of love is beginning to open. A moment of youth, gorgeous life.

Love sinus is the purest white and pure flower in the world. It only blooms once in a lifetime. It is the most beautiful, most touching, unforgettable, and the original ready-made form of love produced by the combination of happiness and pain.

Aria's love for Grayson is unrequited, first and final.

Lucy's love for Grayson was unrequited and his first love, but he did not have the deep love and despair he knew after being scarred like Aria.

And what about him?

Aria left the hospital and quickly went to the hospital where his father was sitting.

Sweating profusely, Lucas and Stella were already waiting at the door of the ward.

Lucas's face was not very good-looking. When he saw Aria, he still smiled gently. In front of her, he would always be a gentle prince, guarding her and giving her all the support and strength.

"Aria, are you all right! Dad he..."