Chapter three hundred and seven lost thoroughly

Aria said, without looking at anyone, turned and left.

Turn around and tears roll down. In the end, Aria lost, completely.

How many days did she wait, how many years did she look forward to, and only to find out at the best that how many people could only obediently throw in the towel in front of time without hesitation. Yes, she lost.

The movie finally broke up, and even if they broke up, there was not a so-called final parting-the embrace of breaking up.

It seems that the love between them that they once loved to death is only a superficial illusion. There is no love, no heartache, no so-called separation and separation between them.

Time is really a cruel weapon. It makes you meet your own love hastily. You carefully protect it at the age when you don't know love. You can't resist the baptism of time. In the age when you know love, you lose it severely until your whole body is stained with the traces of time until you get old.