Stepping into the wide open ground full of countless people chattering here and there with the others inside listening to Hope's father's speech.

Her eyes searched the entire field, looking around for Ronan who didn't seem to be in sight. Instead, she spotted his elder sister talking to other women her age, laughing softly and whispering under their breath. Despite being six years older than Ronan was, she almost looked his age with youthful skin and stunning bright golden locks of hair. Hope immediately walked towards Rosette, failing to hold back a smile as she was a very sweet woman with two kids of her own, hardly ten years of age.

"Rosette." Hope chimed, instantly grabbing her attention as she shifted her brown gaze towards Hope who grinned the moment their eyes met.

"Oh Hope." She smiled brightly. "Congratulations on becoming alpha. I'm sure you'll be a great leader, Hope." She nodded to her own words as the woman beside her smiled back to Hope.