Harley glanced towards the ground as he walked at the front, leading the rogues back towards the gates as Hope remained far behind with Ace, both talking animatedly about the things they liked and the things they didn't, sadly enough for Harley, the two had so much in common than he had with Hope.
For example, Harley doesn't really like the extra powder sprinkled on top of freshly baked buns whilst Hope loves even just the thought of it.
Harley hates the sound of rain whenever he had to go to sleep, mostly because it gave him anxiety since he couldn't hear the outside but just the mere splattering of rain against the metal roof. Hope on the other hand loves the idea of rain in her sleep because she felt as though the rain was there to protect her and not hide anything dangerous inside it like Harley thought. Hope thinks of the rain as a shield whilst Harley thinks of the rain as a mask for predators.