Chapter 3

He left the room to give me space to change into a red shirt with a picture of Ghostrider on it, the trousers didn't fit but I found a makeshift belt beside it.

Rolling up the ends of the trousers and wore the boots and beanie hat.

he hung his bag pack and put the gun in his jacket casually. Wasn't he a little too young to own a gun? A lot of kids these days were hiding guns under their beds anyway.

"Are we going back?" I asked. He checked out of the inn and handed me a bag of Snickers bars, toilet paper, and other supplies when we stopped by at a small convenience store.

He walked too fast, I had to jog a little to catch up, my jaw dropped at a sports car that looked expensive. Who was this guy?

"No, we're not, get in" he unlocked the car automatically and the doors hummed as they ascended giving us room to enter.

"My dad's still there"

"He's gone" He confessed bluntly

"How would you know that?"

"He's lean, not much hair on his head.." He described dad's features to me perfectly

"I found him dead, the men were already gone when I arrived, there was nothing I could do, now if you would just get in the car, we'll have minutes to spare when we get to a safe place"

I couldn't stomach the information he passed on to me, it was hard to imagine dad dying, how would Jacqueline take it?

"He's not dead, you're lying" I blurted out, tears built up in my eyes. I felt hands on my shoulders looking up at him

"Darcy, get in the car"

I see he wasn't the best at being sympathetic. He lowered me into the car and the engines roared to life startling me a little, I jumped in my seat. Hugging the supplies.

The car rolled slowly to the road, the lights came on.

"Welcome, Agent 3670" a voice called, I looked around perplexed

"What was that?" I asked, a screen emerged from the body of the car in between the two of us. A 3d model of a female face appeared

"Sonia, my AI"

"Where shall I take you to?"

"The usual"

"As you wish," she said and the 3D model disappeared and revealed a map and a red dot. He sat back letting go of the wheels, it went back into the spot that opened up till it was gone. It was some sort of Hi-Tech sports car.


"That's what she calls me" he grinned, I held on to my seatbelt, the car was going faster than it was before

"Don't worry, it's on autopilot"

I flinched at the fresh round of gunshots. Hitting the glass, luckily enough it was bulletproof and it only made a web of cracks.

"We're under attack"

he touched an earpiece and casually said and tapped a button, the steering wheel came out and he grasped it.

"Hang on"

I was stiff and nauseous when he took a sharp turn on the road, tires screeched. There were cars following and gaining on us from the rearview mirror. I screamed when one black SUV bumped hard against the back of the sports car.

"I need backup... wonderful" he grinned and tapped the piece again. I wondered how he could be smiling at such a horrible time. I started to wonder if I was riding with a psychotic person.

He put the car on reverse and drove toward the SUVs at full speed

"What are you doing!?"

"Hold on," he said, I saw the look of determination in his eyes, the SUVs dispersed, I saw them reunite coming after us again, shooting at us, the windshield finally gave out, spraying over us.

He was driving toward two barrels and a brick wall.

"No, we're gonna get killed!"

My fingers dug into my seat when we were inches apart from the wall. He spun the car again.

There was a huge explosion after that. The car slowed down, I turned to where the SUVs were up in flames, short of breath.

He grinned at the results

"Nothing to worry about" I was taken aback by the daredevil, he was very brave.

He resumed driving.

"Jacqui will be worried about me, she's in Ottawa"

"Who's Jacqui?" He asked

"Dad's girlfriend" I sniffed and tried to fish for my cellphone in my pockets and realized my old clothes were in the dumpster at the inn.

"You can't reach out to her anymore or anyone else," he said, I fumed at him

"Give me back my phone"

"I don't think getting mad at me is necessary"

"Who do you think you are!?"

"You mean you don't recognize me, Darcy?"

Confused "What?"

"Douglas, doesn't ring any bells?"

My eyes moved around, trying to remember

"Remember the kid from chemistry who smoked up the whole class from fifth grade, the one who spoiled your chances of getting an A?"

I turned grim "Oh, I remember you"

My voice was dry. Quinn Douglas whom I was taller than, always messing up my projects and writing notes to the chemistry teacher calling her names. No wonder I flunked. He got transferred, no one knew why.

He grinned "I knew you might recognize me"

"Why'd you get transferred?"

"I didn't get transferred, I dropped out, my mom only said that to cover it up"

My eyes rolled "Why am I not surprised?"

He raked his hair "School's not exactly my thing"


Quinn, it reminded me of porcupines, plus those eyebrows. I pulled out a Snickers bar and wolfed it down. Distracted, I couldn't help giving him another glance, this time more self-conscious, he looked a lot more mature and attractive.

"You live in Detroit?"

"I travel a lot" he answered and then stopped the car. He got out of the car and met with an older man.

"Agent 3670, you managed to bring the girl in one piece," Wade said.

I heard him say, climbed out of the car with the grocery to join them.

"Wade" Quinn said and they shook hands. We made no proper introduction, he just gave me a long hard stare and his eyes moved to Quinn.