Chapter 8

I groaned within me, she couldn't just let me celebrate my victory a little while longer.

"Sounds corny," I said, she nudged me a little and stretched out on the grass.

I appreciated the fact that we didn't speak for a while, resting, looking up at the stars above. I could see everything, it surprised me every time, I couldn't shake it off, if only she knew what it felt like.

Kristen called my name, my ear twitched, curious about what she was about to say.


"Training's over for today"

"You mean tonight," I said, skeptical


"What time is it?"

"Nine after twelve" She smirked knowing I was curious that she had something to say.

"You tricked me"

"Who's there!?" A deep voice called, It was one of the security guards with a bot patrolling the base.

Lights flashed around wildly. We started for the hallway barefoot and ran for it.


Wade held a stopwatch even though he could make algorithmic calculations in nanoseconds, the others had moved on with their courses, I was the only one who hadn't finished the obstacle course.

"Penumbra... Griffith!" He called with a firm voice, laughter erupted, I hadn't noticed, I wasn't used to the codename, I jogged over to him.

"You're gonna have to finish the course"

They laughed

"Or else no one leaves this field"

He cut through the laughter, the students quieted.


I started for the ropes and when I got there, I reached for it and started to climb using my feet to push myself up as I grabbed every tight knot, I got to the top and pulled myself up, coming down the other. I could feel their eyes on me.

"You're wasting our time!"

"Great, now we'll never leave"

Everyone fell silent when I waddled out of the puddle, kicking out mud from my boots.

"2 minutes and 20 seconds" Wade said and clicked his watch.

"Class dismissed" He signaled them to leave. I smiled and it faded when his scowl returned, he left.

"Darcy, you were amazing!" Emma ran to me, hesitant to hug me and gave a clean spot on the cheek a light pat.

"I was?"

Kristen moved over and hugged me squeezing me tight, shaking me a little. I felt a little awkward.

"You didn't have to do that" The front of her sportswear was covered in mud. Appreciating their support. I almost cried in front of them.

I went to Sith for more tests after self-defense classes, being used as an example, thrown down by Miss Dimity, a female teacher to demonstrate moves and how to apply them effectively, being an object of the demonstration wasn't exactly my idea of learning. Right after self defense, we would move on to combat training and then simulation and virtual reality and then the real thing. I still saw Kristen for more training at night.

"Hey" Sith said grinning "I've got something for you"

She passed a box to me, I flipped it open and found a watch and a headset. I took it out and tried it on

"It's your kit, it was supposed to be delivered weeks ago but I intercepted it and made some modifications"

The watch activated automatically and holographic windows appeared

Congratulations Darcy Griffith,

You have been awarded 5 points for endurance.

"That way you can keep tabs on your scores" she seemed pleased, her dimples deepened

I half laughed and looked through the box.


I sat back on the steps after, curious. I had so many questions I wanted to ask about my father and his life here.


"Did you ever want to work here?"

She turned grim, I knew somehow it hurt her to say so.

"I don't want to force you_"

"It's fine... Darcy. I used to work as an intern at Hawk Labs in Kansas" She hugged her knees, more vulnerable. Hesitant to touch her hand, slowly mine rested on hers, a corner of her lips curled and her hand turned to hold mine.

~Years ago

Sith kicked the body of her car after it broke down and she had to use the last of its movement and steer it to the side of the road. She just stopped for gas and made sure it was full and made sure to pour water into the radiator so it wouldn't heat up.

She was late for work, again, her boss wouldn't be too happy and she might lose her chances to finally fulfill her dreams to become a scientist.

Wade walked by holding a bag with a McDonald's logo on it, eating a handful of French fries. Kujo, his dog hopped a little, barked to get at least a French fry.

"No, you know what the vet said, no more grease."

He whined, Wade knelt in front of him and rubbed the back of his ear with his clean hand, and softened.

"You know what you put me through when the vet pumped your stomach at the emergency room?, I don't want to see you get hurt. Try to understand"

Kujo whined and licked his nose. He grinned and it faltered when he saw a lady with flowing brown hair wearing a pink shirt and pencil skirt with heels trying to pull something out.

Kujo's ears perked and he barked and ran her way hopping and barking for attention.

"Kujo" he groaned. It was rare for him to run to strangers like that.

Sith looked down at the German Shepherd that went up its hind limbs barking in excitement.

"Hello" Her hands were greasy, she bumped her head against the hood when a man appeared.

"Oof, sorry about that" he apologized, a deep soothing voice and at the same time commanding. The dog stopped hopping but went to her side leaning on her leg.

Sith would've toppled over and the dog wasn't helping at all. He was strikingly beautiful with thick brown hair, grey eyes and pointed nose, hollow cheeks and a pointy chin with stubble that enhanced his good looks, he wore a grey sweater and jeans with boots, his grey eyes lowered to her hands

"Do you need help?" He asked

"Actually, no, I know the workings of a car and I'm completely capable of ...."

Surprised she knew so much about cars. She was concise, and it seemed like Kujo was leaning a little too close to her, pulling him by the collar to his side.

"So, no?" He arched an eyebrow.

"I can handle it"

"Okay then, I'm sorry about my dog, he normally doesn't do these things"

Sith watched as he walked away with his German shepherd, latching a leash to its collar this time.

She swallowed, running out of time

"Wait!" She held out her hand, he turned quickly and she bit her lip when he walked back to her.

"There's nothing wrong with the car but I think something's stuck in there, I need a little elbow grease to pull it out"

Kujo's ears perked

"Don't mention grease in front of him" He pointed a thumb at his dog.

He gave her the leash despite her greasy hands and folded up his sleeves, he had big hairy arms, he reached in and pulled out a rock, his hand came off greasy.

She let out a sigh of relief but then blushed when he eyed the rock, what was it doing in her car?.


"You're welcome" he replied tossing it away grinning, they made eye contact for a moment, she broke off and rounded the car and it started just fine.

Sith returned with a towel and moist napkins for the leash. He wiped the leash lastly while she closed the hood startling Kujo a bit.

"I guess I'll be leaving now"

She climbed into her car, unsettled by this stranger. He walked to her side and his hand rested on the window leaning in.

"You're leaving without proper introduction, now what kind of a lady are you?" He teased.

"I'm kind of in a hurry and I'm late for work so..." She shrugged, his eyes searched her face, a little entertained, Sith tried not to give away any hint that she was nervous.

"What's your name?" He finally asked.

She blushed, embarrassed whenever anyone asked.

"It's Singh"

Her hands tapped on the steering wheel, he saw that she was nervous.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, I'm Wade Wilkins and this is my dog Kujo" he nodded at the dog that went on its hind limbs, its head in her car close to her, she felt like she was being interrogated and strangely, it felt good.

He held out his hand

"Sith Singh" he shook it and ran his thumb on her knuckles. Sith swallowed at the electricity she felt. Embarrassed still that she said her name, his eyes held amusement.

"Can I see you again, Sith?" The way he called her name made her stomach flutter.

"I have to go" she rubbed Kujo's neck

His eyes lowered

"Would it hurt to say yes?"

Sith smiled sweetly at him for some reason and started the car, he stepped back with Kujo who sat on the ground, with his tongue out.

Wade watched the car drive away, her name rang in his head. Kujo barked.

"I know, I like her too" He said and they kept moving.