Chapter 15

I faced Quinn betrayed, Stygian mocked me

"Did you ever stop to wonder how we found you?" He asked. "My little gift had a tracker on it"

Vehement, if my hands were free, I would've ripped it off.


"I was thriving but the league used me as an experiment, your father had me take the essence, he could've just called it a serum" She rolled her eyes

"I had powers just like yours but something went wrong, the essence stopped strengthening my DNA and attacked my system and I ended up with this" she tapped her scar

"I was a former shadow of myself. I blamed him for doing this to me, they couldn't do anything, I wanted revenge, I gathered an army and victims who were experimented on and underestimated for far too long by the league and formed the Lumen secret society. I had Quinn drop out of school and they took him in and trained him. He was taking martial arts classes before they took him in. To get close to them and you, we were gathering intelligence through him"