Get me out of this box

  The news came on and a video was aired live on the television.

"Coming to you live on Angel News, there appears to be some sort of creature with gills terrorizing the city, lives have been lost and attempts by the police to stop its fall flat but a group of unidentified men and a shadowy figure combat this... thing and disappears mysteriously. Currently, a robot is_"

 The screen shattered when Shadow Knight shot the camera and they lost signal, most channels had gone offline as well over technical difficulties.

 My phone rang and I picked it up

"Darcy, where are you?"

 I gasped at Robbie's voice. It didn't occur to me that I jettisoned him in traffic, I winced at the noise in the background.

"I'm at home, I thought I left something at the hospital."

"That does not warrant you to disappear just like that, do you know what your mo_"

 Silence, I looked at the timer still counting.