Final battle

 Konstante was sweating profusely as if emerging from a sauna but not so refreshed, free but not refreshed, ashamed for her actions. 

"I'm going to formulate another antidote and then we'll know what to do from there."

 Sith said to Captain Mondel, he passed Friday a grim look, it was fixated on the girl, he knew obsession when he saw it, the bigger issue was gathering more mutants.

 He nodded.

Konstante hugged her arms staring through the glass at him, the monster's face emerged and screeched like those 3D jump scares. She winced staying close to Mondel with a grip on his arm.

 She observed what they were doing then glanced at Wade who was unconscious in the cradle illuminated with neon light.

 The tension in the air rose, Sith wiped her head as she instructed them on the antidote and whatnot.

 Her eyes moved to a female scientist who passed the group a side glance, she moved by the corners of the lab inching closer to the box.