Chapter 23 Women's Intuition

The layout inside the house is very atmospheric, and the colors are basically black, white and gray. When I walked in, I saw a large French window with a traditional office sofa under it.

The whole house looks clean, and Trixie guessed that the psychologist should be a cleanliness addict.

"Hello." A low man's voice came from the stairs.

Trixie looked up and a well-dressed young man came down the stairs. Man’s look was about 30 years old, with tall and straight figure and handsome face, which can make many little girls chase after them outside.

It was not until the man walked up to Trixie and held out his hand to her that Trixie came to her senses and hurriedly held out his hand in response to say hello.

Just touched it lightly, the man withdrew his hand and sat on the sofa nearby. "Sit down."

Trixie sat down and felt a little embarrassed. Before she could speak, the man took out a questionnaire and pushed it to Trixie.