Chapter 47: cycle vortex

She did not immediately accuse Daryl, but asked Kinsley softly.

"Where did your father take you today? Which beautiful aunt made you love fried eggs?" While speaking, she has been watching Daryl.

He bowed his head and did not dare to look directly into her eyes. Even sweat flowed faintly from his forehead. Is this a guilty conscience?

She sneered secretly in her heart while enduring the surging anger in her heart and pretended to be calm.

"We went dinner with Uncle Rick! The love fried eggs was made by that beautiful aunt are especially delicious. Mom, will you also make love fried eggs for me in the future?" Kinsley was showing her cute side, but her mind was all on her "beautiful aunt".

Daryl realized that she was in a wrong mood and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.