Chapter 49 Watch Documents

"The recent contract is a bit tricky, so I went to pick out gifts with Eddison. When I saw at the counter that the watches were good, I bought them. It's not your birthday in a few days but I wanted to give you a birthday present. I didn't expect you to find it before the date."

It seems that she misunderstood him.

Trixie happily took the gift box and took out the watch inside, but inadvertently brought out the invoice.

Taking a look at the invoice, Trixie stood still.

The buyer above was not Daryl, and there was a card in the box with a sentence written on it.

To the one you love the most.

But the final signature was not Trixie's.

Her heart instantly sank to the bottom, she did not know whether to cry or laugh.

Daryl noticed that Trixie was not in the mood. He then glanced at the box, instantly changed his face, took the box and threw it aside.

"Wife, don't get me wrong, this thing was handwritten by the clerk. It was written wrong. I will go to them tomorrow..."