Chapter 56 Stealing beams for columns

After returning home, Trixie was still bitter about today's conversation.

In her heart, the conjecture that Daryl was threatened became more and more intense, and she almost couldn't bear to ask him directly.

However, since Daryl didn't want to mention it to her, it proved that he didn't want her to participate in it, or Daryl wanted to solve the matter by himself.

As a result, Trixie acted as if nothing had happened, as usual. However, she was more concerned about Daryl's whereabouts than before, and even thought of installing a locator on Daryl's mobile phone.

Trixie was startled when this idea poured out of her mind. When did her trust in Daryl drop to this level?

However, Jessa's words echoed in her ears all the time.

If Daryl was really threatened, no one can help him except her, his wife. Therefore, she was more sure of her ideas and began to find someone to contact regarding the locator.