Chapter 60 - Shattered Glass

Trixie's words made Daryl paused.

But then, he laughed and kissed Trixie. "What are you thinking of? Why do you think I am cheating?"

Trixie wanted to refute him about the paternity test, but when it reached her mouth, she swallowed it again. Now the evidence is insufficient, and she only saw the name on the appraisal report but did not see the child's name. Therefore, if she says it, she's afraid Daryl will have other reasons to explain it. On the contrary, it makes people feel that she is suspicious of nothing.  It is better to find clear evidence and throw it directly in front of Daryl so that he cannot deny it.

Walking into the elevator, Daryl saw that Trixie had been silent and couldn't help asking, "Wife, who just said something to you?"

In Trixie's view, his inquiry is not concerned but rather because he is guilty and wants to explore Trixie's mood.

"Nothing, I just had afternoon tea with Jane and chatted for a while," she answered.